For many people, the new year is a time to reset and refocus. Goals are set and lists of things to accomplish are written. For those nearing the end of life or living with a chronic illness, this can seem like a futile task, but in reality, it’s important to set health and wellness goals no matter which stage of life we find ourselves. There are always ways that we can look to improve the quality of our life, from spending more time with our loved ones to better managing pain to dealing with the loss of a loved one. Continue reading to learn more about how our hospice, palliative, and bereavement care can help our community reach their health and wellness goals at any stage of life—and at any time of year.
Relieving Chronic Pain & Symptoms
To someone living with a chronic illness, it can feel like a constant struggle to manage your health and wellness. Palliative care can provide relief and comfort to anyone living with the symptoms of a serious or chronic illness—helping relieve pain, shortness of breath, nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, depression, sleep problems, and treatment of side effects. Whether your goal is to return to a favorite hobby, be able to enjoy a meal with family, or sleep soundly through the night, the palliative care specialists at Within Reach Hospice can help.
At Within Reach Hospice, our care focuses on improving our patients’ quality of life for up to months before their final days. We combine not only traditional medical practices and complementary therapies to increase opportunities for wellness but provide spiritual and emotional support to patients and their loved ones. By utilizing techniques such as aromatherapy, music, and massage, we can help relieve some of the emotional and physical stresses that come at the end of life. This can lead to our patients being able to reach goals such as attending an important family function or crossing a long-awaited item off their bucket list.
Making Amends & Finding Peace
There are many emotional and psychological effects that come about after receiving a terminal diagnosis. People may have a desire to complete unfinished business or make amends so they can pass in peace. Within Reach Hospice Social Workers can help initiate and coordinate discussions and actions that will help an individual find peace towards the end of life.
Grieving Loss
The relationships you form throughout life are unique, and therefore, the loss of those individuals you share those relationships with is also unique. Meaning there is no “right” way to grieve. Our bereavement team doesn’t provide a step-by-step solution but instead walks beside you in your personal grief journey, providing education, support, and understanding to help you begin to find hope and healing after the loss of a loved one.
At Within Reach Hospice, one of our goals is to help change the perception of hospice and palliative care. We want people to understand that there is still time to reach goals and find peace in their final months, weeks, and days. We want people to know that a chronic illness does not have to define what they can accomplish. And we want people to realize that it’s okay to grieve—and to ask for help along your grief journey. If you have received a terminal diagnosis, are living with a chronic illness, or going through the loss of a loved one, we are always here to help.