
Team Manager

Within Reach Hospice SERVICES

Quality of life until the end of life.


There are many misconceptions about hospice care. Most people think of it as care to keep people comfortable in their final days. While this is true, hospice care has a much further reach. At Within Reach Hospice, we focus on increasing the quality of life for our patients up to months before their death. Our team of doctors, nurses, social workers, and chaplains help with the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental aspects of well-being. Yes, it’s managing pain, maintaining comfort, and monitoring symptoms. But it’s also ensuring that each patient is able to have the end-of-life journey they want, whether that's finding peace, spending time with loved ones, or addressing final wishes.

Specialty Dementia Care

Our staff undergo specialty dementia care training and education from Dementia Institute to better communicate with, relate to, and care for patients living with dementia. From providing respite care for caregivers to life enrichment opportunities to patients, Within Reach Hospice helps bring personalized care to individuals living with brain change and their loved ones.

Complementary Therapies

With the goal of providing patients with the highest quality-of-life possible, Within Reach Hospice has added a number of holistic therapy options to our services. Volunteers and staff are able to provide music therapy, massage therapy, aromatherapy, pet therapy, and virtual reality.

First and foremost, I'm here for you. I'm going to help you through every step of the way. I'm going to treat you how I want my family treated. I will be your champion.

—Lisa, Registered Nurse Case Manager

If you or a loved one wishes to learn more about getting started with hospice care, click below for more information.