In a typical year, we put on a number of events to help educate our community about hospice care, palliative services, and bereavement. This year, those in-person events had to be canceled. To continue connecting with our community and providing valuable resources, we have created a webinar series, Hearts of Hospice.
Throughout the series, we will discuss all things related to Within Reach Hospice. Experts from across our different services will share their knowledge and wisdom. From coping with grief to Hospice 101, we hope to provide our community with a place to find healing, answers, advice, and hope.  
As new episodes come along, we will be adding them to our YouTube page and sharing them on social media. We are looking forward to safely connecting with our community and continuing to be your champion!
Hearts of Hospice Webinar Series: Coping with Grief Around the Holidays In our first episode, Bereavement Manager, Janet Jayming, and Bereavement Social Worker, Gail Hengeveld discuss coping with grief around the holidays with the added stress of COVID. If you are hurting, watch the video below. If you know someone who is hurting, pass it along to them.