The Importance of End-of-Life Planning

Here at Within Reach Hospice, we strive to give our patients the end-of-life journey that they want. Whether that consists of going up in a hot air balloon, spending more time with family, or finding peace with God’s plan, our staff is here to provide the necessary support. However, planning can play a big role in our patients’ ability to live out their final months as they wish.

Complimentary Therapies

Whether it be aromatherapy, a relaxing massage, a soothing tune, or the presence of an animal’s unconditional love, complementary therapies help to augment care beyond pharmacological treatment. The goal is to give every Within Reach Hospice patient the highest quality of life possible and too care for the whole person.

Hearts of Hospice Webinar: Helping Children Cope

It can be difficult to know how to help or where to start when a child is grieving. In our next Hearts of Hospice Webinar, Bereavement Manager, Janet Jaymin, and Bereavement Social Worker, Jenny Gruppen, discuss strategies to help children cope and give activity ideas to get children talking about their feelings.